ISSN 2096-2738 CN 11-9370/R


新发传染病电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3): 179-182.

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胡亚男1, 杜少辉2, 陈思诺1,3, 胡天祥4   

  1. 1.深圳市龙岗区人民医院,深圳,518100;
    2.深圳市中医院老年病科,深圳 518000;
    3.深圳市龙岗区中医院,深圳 518100;
    4.广东省中医院,广州 510120
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-01 出版日期:2017-08-31 发布日期:2020-07-13
  • 通讯作者: 杜少辉,Email:674663653@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

The role of HMGB1 in inflammatory response and vulnerable plaque in coronary heart disease

HU Ya-nan1, DU Shao-hui2, CHEN Si-nuo1,3, HU Tian-xiang4   

  1. 1. Shenzhen Longgang People's Hospital, Guangdong Shenzhen 518100,China;
    2. Shenzhen Chinese Traditional Medical Hospital,Guangdong Shenzhen 518000,China;
    3. Shenzhen Longgang Hospital of Tradition Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Shenzhen 518100,China;
    4. Guangdong Province Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital, Guangzhou 510120, China
  • Received:2017-07-01 Online:2017-08-31 Published:2020-07-13

摘要: 目的 探讨冠心病患者血清高迁移率族蛋白B1(high mobility group box protein 1,HMGB1)、基质金属蛋白酶-9的水平与冠心病炎症反应及冠状动脉粥样斑块稳定性之间的关系。方法 选择2013年8月至2014年1月收住广东省中医院大学城分院的冠心病患者58例,选择同期住院冠脉造影显示血管正常者30例作为对照。均于患者冠脉造影术中未给予肝素前抽取患者3ml动脉血于试管内,集中采用ELISA法检测血清中HMGB1与MMP-9的浓度。结果 ①血清HMGB1水平在稳定性心绞痛组(SA)、不稳定性心绞痛组(UA)、急性心梗组(AMI)依次增高,各组间差异显著(P<0.05),且明显高于正常对照组(NC)(P<0.05);②CHD组患者血清MMP-9水平显著升高,与正常对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);③冠心病患者血清HMGB1与MMP-9行Pearson相关性分析发现,血清HMGB1与MMP-9呈显著正相关(P<0.01);结论 HMGB1与临床常规检测的炎症、血脂等指标有一定的相关性,可推断HMGB1为CHD分型的独立相关因素,并可间接反映斑块内炎症的活跃程度,且HMGB1与MMP-9呈显著正相关,推测检测HMGB1可在一定程度上预测斑块稳定性,可为冠心病的抗炎治疗提供依据。

关键词: 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病, 炎症反应, 高迁移率蛋白B1, 基质金属蛋白酶-9

Abstract: Objective To study the relationship between the levels of HMGB1, MMP-9, and the stability of coronary artery atheromatous plaque, to further discover the relationship among immune response, inflammatory reaction and coronary heart disease.Method Fifty-eight coronary heart disease patients who were cured between - August 2013 to January 2014 in Guangdong Province Hospital Of Traditional Chinese Medicine were enrolled. Thirty healthy individuals who were cured during the same time in our hospital without structural heart disease (but with normal heart function) were enrolled as control group. ELISA kit was used to detect the HMGB1, MMP-9, concentration of stored examples.Result i) Serum HMGB1 level was gradually increased in the control groups, considering the SA, UA and AMI groups, and it indicated a significant statistic difference(P<0.05); and is higher than the controls. ii) Serum level of MMP-9 was significantly higher in coronary heart disease groups than the control group, and it indicated a significant statistic difference(P<0.05). iii) Serum levels of HMGB1、MMP-9 were also significantly different, HMGB1 and MMP-9 levels correlated positively (r=0.463 P<0.05).Conclusion HMGB1 has certain correlation with clinical routine detection of inflammation, blood lipid and other indicators, it could be inferred that HMGB1 was an independent factor of CHD classification, and could indirectly reflect the degree of active inflammation in plaque. HMGB1 was also positively correlated with MMP-9, suggesting that the detection of HMGB1 could predict plaque stability to a certain extent and provide a reliable basis for the anti-inflammatory treatment of coronary heart disease.

Key words: Coronary heart disease, Inflammatory, High mobility group box protein 1, Matrix metallo proteinase-9