ISSN 2096-2738 CN 11-9370/R


新发传染病电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 204-208.

• 卫生健康事业发展70年巡礼--重大传染病防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴肖冰1, 冯铁建1, 2, 余卫业1   

  1. 1.深圳市慢性病防治中心, 广东深圳 518020;
    2.深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 广东深圳 518055
  • 出版日期:2019-12-30 发布日期:2020-07-21
  • 通讯作者: 余卫业, Email: ywy2002@126.com;冯铁建, Email: fengtj@126.com

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of syphilis: technical measures and effectiveness

WU Xiao-bing1, FENG Tie-jian1, 2, YU Wei-ye1   

  1. 1.Shenzhen Center for Chronic Disease Control, Guangdong Shenzhen 518020, China;
    2. Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangdong Shenzhen 518055, China
  • Online:2019-12-30 Published:2020-07-21

摘要: 我国目前正与全球一起致力于消除先天梅毒。通过加强妊娠梅毒筛查、规范梅毒诊疗、促进性伴干预等关键措施, 能有效地预防先天梅毒及相关不良妊娠结局的发生。以深圳市预防与控制梅毒母婴传播项目为例, 通过建立一体化医学整合防控模式, 贯彻“孕妇-新生儿-性伴”三位一体的干预措施, 有效地将先天梅毒发病率从2002年的109.31/10万活产儿下降至2016年的3.94/10万活产儿, 产生了巨大的经济效益及社会影响, 为我国建立了预防梅毒母婴传播的典型范例。在国家和省级层面如能进一步完善和落实预防梅毒母婴传播的策略及措施, 可促进我国消除先天梅毒目标的最终实现。

关键词: 梅毒, 孕妇, 先天梅毒, 治疗, 效果

Abstract: China is working with the world in the great action to eliminate the congenital syphilis. By strengthening syphilis serological screening among pregnant women, standardizing the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis, and promoting sexual partner intervention, congenital syphilis and associated adverse pregnancy outcomes can be effectively prevented. Taking Shenzhen’s syphilis prevention mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) program as an example, through the establishment of an integrated medical prevention and control model and the implementation of intervention measures among pregnant women, neonatal and sexual partners, the incidence of congenital syphilis was effectively reduced from 109.31/100 000 live births in 2002 to 3.94/100 000 live births in 2016. The program had produced great economic and social benefits, and had established a typical example for preventing MTCT of syphilis in China. This study hopes the strategy for syphilis MTCT prevention can be further improved and the technical measures can be widely implemented at both national and provincial levels, so as to achieve the goal for the elimination of congenital syphilis in China.

Key words: Syphilis, Pregnant women, Congenital syphilis, Treatment, Effectiveness