ISSN 2096-2738 CN 11-9370/R


新发传染病电子杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 234-238.doi: 10.19871/j.cnki.xfcrbzz.2020.04.004

• 全民健康助力全面小康 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙喜琢, 宫芳芳, 林锦春, 李文海   

  1. 深圳市罗湖医院集团,广东 深圳 518001
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-16 出版日期:2020-11-30 发布日期:2020-12-31
  • 通讯作者: 孙喜琢Email:xizhuomd@163.com
  • 作者简介:孙喜琢,主任医师,医学博士,双博士后,博士生导师,深圳市罗湖医院集团院长兼深圳市罗湖区人民医院院长,享受国务院特殊津贴专家,深圳市地方级领军人才,国家卫生健康委员会紧密型县域医疗卫生共同体建设专家,2019年度深圳市“市长质量奖”银奖项目负责人,2019年亚洲医院管理奖年度医院首席执行官,广东省五一劳动奖章获得者,医改创新贡献奖获得者,深圳市“创新驱动发展”优秀共产党员,深圳市卫生健康十大杰出贡献者,“华仁杯”最具领导力中国医院院长,中国医院“先声杯”优秀院长,《中国卫生》2016年度十大新闻人物

Exploration, practice of Luohu medical reform for the last five years

Sun Xizhuo, Gong Fangfang, Lin Jinchun, Li Wenhai   

  1. Shenzhen Luohu Hospital Group,Guangdong Shenzhen 518001,China
  • Received:2020-07-16 Online:2020-11-30 Published:2020-12-31

摘要: 2015年,广东省深圳市罗湖区开展以居民健康为核心的医疗卫生服务体系改革,整合辖区区属公立医疗机构,组建紧密型唯一法人代表的医联体——深圳市罗湖医院集团,试行以健康效果为导向的医保支付制度,着力于提升基层基本医疗和公共卫生服务建设,开展教卫融合、医防结合、医养融合等举措,构建全社会、全人群、全生命周期的卫生健康服务网络,破解“看病难”“看病贵”难题,努力实现让居民“少生病、少住院、少负担、看好病”的改革目标。改革5年来,辖区居民健康素养水平由13.57%提升至41.59%,2018年罗湖区手足口病发病例数较2017年降低9.97%、水痘发病例数较2017年降低27.52%,2016年以来恶性肿瘤发病率和死亡率呈现出逐年下降趋势,2014–2019年医院集团举办社康中心基本诊疗量平均增长34.22%,居民服务满意度第三方调查连续两年全市第一,居民基层首诊观念逐渐形成。2017年,全国医联体建设现场推进会和广东省医联体建设推进会均在罗湖召开,罗湖医改作为城市医联体建设典型向全国全省推广;2018年,世界卫生组织通报刊发文章,详细描述罗湖医改的核心领域及实施策略,有专家认为,罗湖医改为解决医改这一世界性难题贡献了中国方案和中国智慧。

关键词: 罗湖医改, 深化医改, 医疗联合体, 整合型医疗卫生服务

Abstract: In 2015,Luohu District,Shenzhen City,Guangdong province carried out the reform of medical and health service system with a healthy population as the top concern.After integrating the public medical institutions under the jurisdiction,Shenzhen Luohu Hospital Group,a compact medical partnerships with the sole legal representative,was established as the carrier of the reform.The reform tries out the health-oriented medical insurance payouts system,focuses on improving the community-level construction of basic medical care and public health service,conducts measures such as integration of education and health,integration of medical prevention and medical care,integration of elderly care and medical services,builds a health service network to protect the public health of the whole cycle in an all-round way for the whole society,solves the problems of ‘difficult to see a doctor’and ‘expensive to see a doctor’,and strives to achieve the final goal of ‘fewer illnesses,fewer hospitalizations,less burden,better healthcare’for residents.In the past five years,the health literacy of residents in Luohu district has been increased from 13.57% to 41.59%.Compared with 2017,the number of cases of hand-foot-mouth disease in Luohu district decreased by 9.97% and the number of Chickenpox cases decreased by 27.52% in 2018.Besides,the morbidity and mortality rate of malignant tumors decreased since 2016.From 2014 to 2019,the number of basic diagnosis and treatment of community health service centers held by the Shenzhen Luohu hospital group increased by 34.22% on average,who was ranked first in the city for two consecutive years in the third-party survey of residents' service satisfaction.Thus,it can be seen that the residents' concept of primary diagnosis in community-level has gradually formed.In addition,the on-site promotion meeting of national medical partnerships construction and the promotion meeting of Guangdong provincial medical partnerships construction in 2017 were held in Luohu district,in which Luohu medical reform was promoted to the whole province and the whole country as a typical example of urban medical partnerships construction.Subsequently,the World Health Organization issued an article in 2018,in which the key reform measures and implementation strategies of Luohu medical reform were described in detail.Moreover,some experts believe that Luohu medical reform has provided China's plan and wisdom to solve the worldwide problem of medical reform.

Key words: Luohu medical reform, Deepening the health care system reform, Medical alliance, Integrated medical health service