ISSN 2096-2738 CN 11-9370/R


新发传染病电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3): 1-5.doi: 10.19871/j.cnki.xfcrbzz.2022.03.001

• 一切为了人民健康——我们这十年 •    下一篇


黎静, 薛浩泽, 刘晖, 黄俊新, 蔡于茂   

  1. 深圳市慢性病防治中心性病麻风病防控科,广东 深圳 518020
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-22 出版日期:2022-07-31 发布日期:2022-09-08
  • 通讯作者: 蔡于茂,Email:64165469@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Key strategies and measures on leprosy control and prevention in Shenzhen

Li Jing, Xue Haoze, Liu Hui, Huang Junxin, Cai Yumao   

  1. Department of STD & Leprosy Prevention and Control, Shenzhen Center for Chronic Disease Control, Guangdong Shenzhen 518020, China
  • Received:2022-06-22 Online:2022-07-31 Published:2022-09-08

摘要: 自1981年WHO推荐使用并免费提供联合化疗方案(MDT)以来,全球麻风病患病率急剧下降,深圳市早在1996年就实现基本消灭麻风病,此后长期维持低流行状态。当前麻风病防控目标已由降低流行指标向消除麻风危害转变,我国正与全球一同致力于到2030年实现“零麻风”的目标。深圳市遵循一系列国际和国内麻风病防治策略和方针,坚守“政策不变、经费不减、队伍不散、工作不停”的工作机制,注重“全人口、公益性、便利性、可及性”的防治原则,坚持“预防为主,防治结合”的方针,以巩固基本消灭麻风病成果为中心目标,重点围绕消除麻风危害,组织实施由政府主导政策制定、专业机构提供技术支持、多部门合作与应答的防治管一体化医防融合模式。积极主动、全面规范地开展“建立健全三级防治网络和疫情监测体系,落实和优化症状监测病例发现模式、全人口全流程服务模式、畸残预防与康复服务模式,强化能力建设和质量控制”等一系列具有深圳特色的麻风病综合防控策略和措施,较好地巩固了消除麻风危害防治成果。2010–2021年深圳市保持零新发儿童麻风病例和零复发麻风病例,新发麻风病例中2级畸残病例比为14.9%,处于全国较低水平。深圳市在消除麻风危害、向零麻风迈进征程中实施的关键策略和措施,为下一步麻风病综合防控策略制定和调整、加快“零麻风”的实现奠定了基础。

关键词: 麻风病, 预防控制策略措施, 零麻风, 零复发

Abstract: Since 1981, when the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the use and provision of free multidrug therapy(MDT), the global prevalence of leprosy has declined sharply, and Shenzhen achieved the goal of basic eliminate leprosy as early as 1996 and has maintained a low prevalence status since then. Currently, the control target has changed from reducing the prevalence index to eliminating leprosy hazards, and China is working together with the world to achieve the goal of "zero leprosy" by 2030. Shenzhen follows a series of international and domestic leprosy prevention and treatment strategies and guidelines, adheres to the working mechanism of "no change in policy, no reduction in funding, no dispersion of teams, no stopping of work", focuses on the prevention and treatment principles of "whole population, public welfare, convenience and accessibility", adheres to the policy of "prevention first, prevention and treatment combined", takes the consolidation of the basic elimination of leprosy as the central goal, focuses on the elimination of leprosy hazards, organizes and implements the integrated medical and prevention integration model of prevention and control with government-led policy formulation, technical support from professional institutions, and multi-sectoral cooperation and response. A series of leprosy prevention and control strategies and measures with Shenzhen characteristics have been carried out proactively and comprehensively, including "establishing and improving the three-level prevention and control network and epidemic monitoring system, implementing and optimizing the symptom surveillance case detection model, the whole-population whole-process service model, the deformity prevention and rehabilitation service model, and strengthening capacity building and quality control". From 2010 to 2021, Shenzhen has maintained zero new cases of childhood leprosy and zero recurrent cases of leprosy, and the ratio of grade 2 deformity disability cases among new leprosy cases is 14.9%, which is at a low level in China. The key strategic measures and progress implemented by Shenzhen in the process of eliminating leprosy hazards and moving towards zero leprosy provide the basis for the next step in the development and adjustment of comprehensive leprosy prevention and control strategies and for accelerating the achievement of "zero leprosy".

Key words: Leprosy, Prevention and control strategies and measures, Zero leprosy, Zero recurrent case