ISSN 2096-2738 CN 11-9370/R


新发传染病电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 91-94.doi: 10.19871/j.cnki.xfcrbzz.2022.04.021

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刘凤云1, 李伟新2, 欧健2, 文乐敏2   

  1. 1.南宁学院医务室,南宁 530200;
    2.南宁市第四人民医院,广西艾滋病临床治疗中心(南宁)中医科,南宁 530023
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-19 发布日期:2023-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 文乐敏,Email:107324166@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Research progress in traditional Chinese medicine treatment of menstrual disorder caused by antiretroviral therapy for AIDS

Liu Fengyun1, Li Weixin2, Ou Jian2, Wen Lemin2   

  1. 1. Clinic of Nanning University, Nanning 530200, China;
    2. Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Fourth People's Hospital of Nanning, Guangxi AIDS Clinical Treatment Center (Nanning), Nanning 530023, China
  • Received:2022-04-19 Published:2023-02-20

摘要: 抗反转录病毒治疗(ART)是目前治疗艾滋病最有效的方法。临床研究发现ART后,有一部分女性患者出现月经不调。与一般的月经不调证候相比,ART后出现月经不调有自身独特的证候特点:常常伴有疲倦乏力、免疫力下降、易感风寒、湿浊内阻、夹痰夹瘀、虚实夹杂等。中医认为ART后出现的月经不调的主要病因是肝肾亏虚、元气亏损、邪毒内伏。治疗上应予补肾填精、培本固元、扶正祛邪的药物。中医药治疗月经不调具有历史悠久、疗效显著、经验丰富、不良反应小等优点。通过文献检索分析近20年关于中医药治疗ART后月经不调研究发现:关于中医药干预ART后月经不调的相关临床研究甚少,极少数从艾滋病的月经不调角度、多数从其他疾病引起的月经不调角度研究。探讨中医药治疗ART后月经不调,对进一步拓展中医药防治艾滋病的研究思路具有重要意义。

关键词: 中医药, 艾滋病, 抗反转录病毒治疗, 月经不调

Abstract: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is currently the most effective treatment for aacquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS). Clinical studies have shown that the ART treatment causes menstrual disorder for some female patients. Compared with ordinary menstrual disorder syndrome, the menstrual disorder with ART treatment has its own syndrome characteristics: often accompanied by fatigue, decline of immunity, susceptibility to wind chill, internal obstruction of dampness and turbidity, phlegm and blood stasis, HIV lingering to deficiency, etc. According to theory of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the menstrual disorder in ART treatment are mainly caused by deficiency of liver and kidney, loss of vitality, and accumulation of evil poisons. The treatment on this menstrual disorder should focus on invigorating the kidney and filling essence, reinforcing the vital essence and strengthening the body, expel evil spirits, righteousness and exorcism. TCM treatment of menstrual disorder has the advantages of a long history, significant curative effect, rich experience, fewer side effects, etc. The authors analyzed the recent studies on the TCM treatment of menstrual disorder after ART and found that there were few clinical studies on the intervention of TCM in the treatment of menstrual disorder after ART. The most research works were carried out from the perspective of menstrual disorder caused by other diseases, but not from the perspective of menstrual disorder caused by AIDS.

Key words: Traditional Chinese medicine, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Antiretroviral therapy treatment, Menstrual disorder