People's Health Press
ISSN 2096-2738 CN 11-9370/R
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Electronic Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (2): 95-98.doi: 10.19871/j.cnki.xfcrbzz.2022.02.019

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New progress in ultrasonic diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B complicated with non-alcoholic fatty liver diseas

Huang Xiuling1, Feng Cheng2, Dong Changfeng2   

  1. 1. The First Clinical Medical College of Guangdong Medical University, Guangdong Zhanjiang 524000, China;
    2. Department of Ultrasound, Guangdong Medical University, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital, Guangdong Shenzhen 518112, China
  • Received:2021-11-03 Online:2022-05-31 Published:2022-07-07

Abstract: Chronic hepatitis B(CHB) is the most common chronic liver disease in China, as well as the common cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer. In recent years, the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has increased rapidly, resulting in more and more common CHB combined with NAFLD. Patients with CHB combined with NAFLD have a significantly increased risk of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer compared with patients with CHB alone or NAFLD alone. The combined action of hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular steatosis on the liver can accelerate the progression of liver fibrosis. Accurate diagnosis of liver fibrosis and steatosis in patients with CHB complicated with NAFLD is of great value in disease monitoring, guiding clinical intervention and improving the prognosis of patients. At present, liver biopsy is still the gold standard in the diagnosis of liver fibrosis and liver steatosis, but because of its many defects such as invasive and complications, difficult to promote in the clinical application and clinical needs to be a non-invasive diagnostic technology, ultrasonography as a noninvasive diagnosis technology is developing rapidly in recent years, such as real-time, visual advantage is becoming more and more widely applied in liver disease diagnosis. With the development of new technologies such as elastography and artificial intelligence, the integration of multiple new technologies and ultrasound imaging is deepening, enabling ultrasound to provide more Objective and rapid diagnosis. This paper introduces the application value of ultrasound elastography, ultrasonic attenuation imaging and ultrasonic artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B complicated with NAFLD.

Key words: Ultrasonic elastography, Ultrasonic attenuation imaging, Artificial intelligence, Chronic viral hepatitis B, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease