People's Health Press
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Electronic Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 78-81.doi: 10.19871/j.cnki.xfcrbzz.2022.04.018

• Case Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Imaging features of blood stream infection and brain abscess caused by Streptococcus constellation and related literature review

Hu Fengling1, Li Yanyan2, Wang Junda1   

  1. 1. Department of Radiology, Chongqing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chongqing 400021, China;
    2. Department of Pharmacy, Chongqing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chongqing 400021, China
  • Received:2021-04-18 Published:2023-02-20

Abstract: As an opportunistic pathogen, Streptococcus constellation can cause septic infection in various tissues and organs of human body, currently, there are few reports in the literature, and the imaging characteristics and treatment options are not well understood. Through clinical CT and MRI imaging manifestations, combined with blood culture and cerebrospinal fluid bacterial culture detection, it can play the purpose of early diagnosis, and provide important value for follow-up treatment and prognosis. A case of cerebral abscess and bloodstream infection caused by Streptococcus constellation in Chongqing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was analyzed retrospectively, inoder to explore the imaging characteristics of bloodstream infections and brain abscesses caused by Streptococcus constellation and analyze the literature in order to improve the understanding of the imaging characteristics of brain abscesses caused by Streptococcus constellation infections.

Key words: Streptococcus constellation, Brain abscess, Imaging features, Literature review