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Electronic Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases ›› 2023, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (6): 73-78.doi: 10.19871/j.cnki.xfcrbzz.2023.06.014

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2023 WHO Tuberculosis Report: key data analysis for China and the global world

Lu Chunrong1, Tan Weiguo1, Lu Puxuan2, Wang Haopeng3   

  1. 1. Institute of Pulmonary Disease Prevention, Center for Chronic Disease of Shenzhen, Guangdong Shenzhen 518020, China;
    2. Editorial Department, Electronic Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Guangdong Shenzhen 518020, China;
    3. Department of Pharmacy, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital, Guangdong Shenzhen 518116, China
  • Received:2023-11-15 Published:2024-01-23

Abstract: An estimated 10.6 million people fell ill with tuberculosis worldwide in 2022, and there were 748 000 total cases in China(accounts for 7.1% of global cases). China ranks the third out of 30 high tuberculosis burden countries. The estimated tuberculosis deaths of Worldwide were 1.3 million, and China were 30 000. Globally, an estimated 410 000 people developed multidrug-resistant or rifampicin resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) in 2022,these figures in China were 30 000. Globally, the cumulative reduction in the TB incidence rate from 2015 to 2022 was 8.7%, the net reduction of deaths was 19%, and 49% of TB patients and their households face total costs that are catastrophic, far from the 2025 milestones of WHO End TB Strategy. The cumulative number of people treated between 2018 and 2022 was 34 million, 15.5 million people were treated with TB preventive treatment. The global target set at the 2018 UN high-level meeting on TB has not been achieved. The global TB services were recovering in 2022. Globally in 2022, 7.5 million people were newly diagnosed with TB and officially notified as a TB case, with the services were recovering. This is the highest number since WHO began global TB monitoring in 1995. However, there was still a global gap about 3.1 million cases between the incident cases and the notified cases. The TB incidence rate is estimated to have increased by 3.9% between 2020 and 2022. The global termination of TB strategy should be achieved early and achieve ending the global TB epidemic requires that the new and reaffirmed commitments made at the second UN high-level meeting on TB in September 2023 are urgently translated into action. With the global data to set the standard, China still faces the grim reality of the high burden of TB and MDR/RR-TB. It advise to take the multisectoral action, accelerate the achievement of universal health coverage, improve the capacity of health systems, and strengthen scientific and technological innovation.

Key words: Tuberculosis, Report, The end tuberculosis strategy, Data analysis

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