People's Health Press
ISSN 2096-2738 CN 11-9370/R
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Editing and Processing Requirements

    Editing and Processing Requirements for Electronic Journals of Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • 1. The basic concept of editing

    Editing processing is a series of tasks such as further review, modification, and arrangement by the editors of the manuscripts they decide to adopt. The work to be done in editing and processing is summarized as: review, abridgement, addenda, error correction, and collation.

    There are two needs for editing and processing: ① the need to disseminate scientific and technological information accurately and concisely; ② the need to improve the scientificity and readability of articles, that is, the need to realize the standardization and standardization of scientific journals.

    2. Editing principles

    The "Copyright Law" stipulates that journal editors "can make literal revisions and abridgements to articles, and the content should be revised with the author's permission." This is the general principle of editing. Editors should respect the original content and writing style of the author when processing the manuscript, and should not arbitrarily modify the arguments, arguments, discussions and conclusions of the article. If necessary, they can submit comments and ask the author to revise by themselves, or obtain the author's consent after revision. When processing manuscripts, the relationship between "writing responsibility" and "editing check" must be handled correctly. After the manuscript is processed, the author must be reviewed and approved. Generally, the author should read the proof sheet and sign on the proof sheet.

    3. Editing methods and steps

    Editing and processing requires careful consideration and comprehensive care, but also focuses on the key points according to the specific circumstances of the manuscript. The general editing process starts from the remanufactured manuscript. Specific steps are as follows:

    1. Read through the full text to get a rough idea of the content of the article.

    2. Read the full text again with expert reviewer opinions.

    3. Re-read the parts that are not clear or that the experts put forward to modify the opinions.

    4. After understanding the expert opinions and the specific content of this article, integrate the review opinions of several experts into their own language, accurately convey the experts’ academic revision opinions to the author, and at the same time, follow the format of the publication. Standardization, standardization and statistical review propose specific amendments.

    5. After modification, the author decides whether to send to experts for review according to the specific circumstances. If the author is completely modified or passed the review, he enters the editing text processing program. At this time, he needs to read and review word by word, including the simplification and modification of the text, and the data Checking with references, unification of nouns, implementation of legal units of measurement, standardization and standardization of layout formats, etc. At present, electronic document processing is used for preliminary processing, which can very conveniently and clearly mark the problems in the manuscript on the document. After processing in this way, send it to the author via E-mail, and let them improve and modify it directly.

    6. The above-mentioned process often requires one or more revisions due to different articles and different levels of authors. However, the editor should try to inform the author of the comments to be revised in a one-time and comprehensive manner to shorten the manuscript processing cycle.

    7. Check keywords and check references according to the content of the article.

    8. When there are many pictures, separate text and pictures, but each time you process the text manuscript, you must check whether the text, diagrams, tables, etc. are consistent. Modify the text or ask the author to add and improve the pictures.

    9. The English editor is requested to edit the English abstract and related English content.

    10. Finally, enter the typesetting, three-checking and red verification process. The three schools can be crossed by editors.

    4.Edit processing content

    1. Pay attention to find and modify political errors. Whether the content of the manuscript complies with the relevant guidelines and policies of the party and the state, whether there are any political errors, whether there are any major issues concerning leaked content and foreign relations (politics, history, geography).

    2. Pay attention to discovering the scientific aspects of the revised manuscript. For example, whether the academic opinion is correct, whether the diagnosis basis is sufficient, whether the treatment method is appropriate, whether the efficacy judgment is reliable, whether the drug dosage is accurate, whether the relevant data is statistically processed, etc.

    3. Text and technical processing, including text simplification and modification, data and reference checking, noun unification, implementation of legal measurement units, standardization and standardization of formatting, and statistical review, etc. The rearrangement of the structure of the manuscript and the additions and deletions of the content are important revisions and must be discussed with the author and decided by the author.

    4. Pay attention to the scrutiny of the text, make the expression precise and precise, fluent and smooth, and avoid contradictions, repetition, ambiguity and ambiguity. The electronic manuscript should be revised in the revised format.

    5. Pay attention to check the data and descriptions in the text and related charts for accuracy and completeness. To apply punctuation correctly, you should be careful not to put a period between two semicolons.

    6. After the text, figures and references are deleted, the article structure number, figure number, table number and reference number should be readjusted.

    7. Pay attention to correcting typos, other characters and self-made simplified characters. Pay attention to correcting English spelling errors and irregular capitalization.

    8. For half-word lines, single-word lines, dashes, Roman numerals, foreign language types, capitalization, formulas, calculations, special symbols, fonts, document numbers, upper corner codes, and lower corner codes, etc., pay attention to what is necessary Label.

    9. For the processing and modification of the manuscript title, author's signature, work unit, abstract, key words, main body part of the text, diagrams, references, text and punctuation, please refer to the "New Infectious Diseases Electronic Magazine Text Content Arrangement Specification" .

    The edited and processed work should meet the following requirements: consistent caption, rigorous structure, accurate wording, smooth language, concise text, logical, no typos, correct punctuation, and error rate less than 2/10000.

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